From dancing in the rain and sleeping under the stars to saying “I love you” and watching the sunset, these are 30 things to do before 30.

Some say that the immense beauty and wonder of life can be found in the simplest of acts, and we couldn’t agree more. In this article, we line up some of the most awe-inspiring moments easily achieved for many of our readers.
Considering your 30 things to do before 30? Read on to learn more about the must-do to add to your to-do.
30. Be present – and reap the rewards

To be present means to be fully in the moment, not thinking of the future or past – or even just the noise inside your head. It’s truly freeing; give it a try!
29. Learn a new language – broaden your skills
With free smartphone apps likes Duolingo, it’s a straightforward endeavor.
28. Dine alone at a restaurant – without a book or phone to hand

Simpler than it sounds, dining alone can be a pretty confronting experience. Saying that, it’s wildly empowering.
27. Make plans, regardless of others – a life skill
Stop waiting for others to call the shots; you’re in control of your life and make plans you want to see come to fruition.
26. Donate – in whatever way you can

Donating is another one of our 30 things to do before 30. Whether it’s old clothes to the local charity shop or one of your business services to a community raffle, every little goes a long way.
25. Read more – find knowledge at your fingertips
Books are knowledge; knowledge is power. Reading more is another one of our top tips for 30 things to do before turning 30.
24. Find your voice – stand up for what you believe in

Whether you’re marching in a #BLM protest or speaking up about women’s rights, your opinions are as valid as the next.
23. Engage with culture and the arts – there’s so much to gain
From visiting museums and galleries to bookstores and theatres, there’s so much to gain from culture and the arts.
22. Volunteer – give back

Giving back, in whatever way you can, is another one of our top tips before 30.
21. Host a dinner party – a different kind of party
It may not be a traditional night on the tiles, but we promise it will be just as lively!
20. Go camping – it’s an experience you’ll always remember

If you’re yet to give camping a go – now’s the time.
19. Be your own person – different is good
Forget the teen and early 20s tropes to be the same as your friends; different is good.
18. Invest in you – from health to wellbeing

Whether it’s therapy or yoga, exercise or wholesome eating, invest in health and wellbeing.
17. Swim at sunrise – an awakening you’ll never forget
Simple to do for most and entirely free if you hit the public beach, this is a moment you’ll never forget.
16. Find your ‘thing’ – whatever that may be

Whether it’s kickboxing or knitting, chess or gaming, find your ‘thing’ and own it.
15. Embrace the outdoors – adventure awaits
From walking to wild swimming, hiking to sailing, so much adventure awaits.
14. Let go of the past – you can’t change it

Another one of our 30 things to do before you turn 30 is to let go of the past. You can’t change it. You can’t even truly change the future. All you can do is change the present.
13. Learn to meditate – a spiritual journey
Whether you are spiritual or religious, meditation is a gateway to peace and contentment.
12. Dance in the rain – there’s nothing quite like it

Enough said.
11. Find a mentor – someone to guide you
This could be your grandmother (the champion baker) or your boss (the entrepreneur). Find your passion, then connect with someone who can help you achieve your goals!
10. Treat yourself – you deserve it

Be it a nice pair of shoes, a weekend away, or a fancy meal.
9. Eat your way around the world – a foodie’s delights
Even if you can’t physically travel the world, take a culinary journey by trying new recipes from around the globe.
8. Try something new – get out of your comfort zone

Whether it’s skydiving, flying, cooking classes, samba, or sushi – each day holds endless possibilities.
7. Go it solo – in whatever capacity you see fit!
Being independent is one of the biggest lessons on our list of the 30 things to do before 30.
6. Experience a perfect sunset – this moment is best shared

A moment you’ll never forget!
5. Explore a different culture – in person or from afar
Whether you’re tangoing through South America, exploring the small towns of Italy or tracing the coastline of Australia, cultural exploration is a must.
4. Go on a road trip – the feeling of freedom is unrivalled

Whether it’s in your home country or further afield, this promises to be the trip of a lifetime.
3. Sleep under the stars – an experience to remember
Revel in the majesty of the sky that hangs above.
2. Say “I love you” – to whomever you may love!
Life is short; make the most of every moment.
1. Travel – in whatever shape or form

Travel comes in all shapes and sizes. No matter how you choose to travel, we promise it will bear memories to last a lifetime.
Also Read: 10 UNFORGETTABLE ideas & experiences